Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Let Go & Let Your Love Life Flow

Preparing for the life you love can be a very fun and creative experience. However, there comes a time when we must not overwork ourselves and/or over manage the details of our creative process.
We need to allow time for our desired intentions to come into fruition or allow the manifestations to far exceed our current expectations. It's time to let go and let our love life flow.

Learning how to let go and let our love life flow is so liberating. Whether this is with a career we love, relationship or an audacious goal, letting go of what we think we really want or how it will come will accelerate the process and allow our desires to flow into our reality with more ease, support and success. 

I love to watch the movie, Something New, with Sanna Lathan. 
If you haven't seen the movie, I highly recommend it. It's a romantic comedy that has a core focus on stepping out of your relationship comforts zones and trying a new experience. 

Whether it's interracial dating, getting to know someone with a different profession than what you had on your list of must have's for a mate or something more, it's good to go on an adventure for love. There's a part in the movie where the topic of let go, let flow comes up. This is inviting us to not hold on to the preconceived notions that we have about what we want in a mate. In fact, we block off our universal abundance every time we hold tightly to what it is we think that we want. So we need to let go and let flow.

Every time I watch this movie it makes me think about how we need to be open in every area of life to explore new avenues that we probably wouldn't have even imagined could bring us more fulfillment than we've ever desired. 

So, ask yourself these questions:

Are ready to let go and let your love life flow? 

Are you ready to explore new paths of adventure?

Is it time for something or someone new in your experience? 

Invitation to Act:

Take time out this month to get present and discover who you have to be and what you have to do in order to truly let your love life flow. 

Resources to Consider:

Love Thy Self: Be & Give The Love You Wish To Receive: An Inspirational Journal Guide For Loving Yourself First To Love Others More Effectively


Love Thy Self: Love Is You!: An Inspirational Journal Guide For Allowing More Love Into Your Life

Friday, May 8, 2015

Love Yourself & Avoid The Trap Of Self Rejection & Self Abandonment Syndrome PT 2

In a previous post I addressed how self rejection and self abandonment are very non-serving activities that hinders people from moving forward in their greater success. The key to overcoming those two states of falsehoods is self love. Loving yourself enough to recognize the truth of who you are as a whole person at the core.

Self rejection is a paralyzing framework that does not allow you to express the fullness of your essence. As mention earlier, self rejection is a state of falsehood and this is greatest awareness that one can embody.

The realization of self rejection being a falsehood allows you to better understand that you are dealing in an illusion that will never serve you. The best way to avoid the trap of self rejection and self abandonment syndrome is to focus on your higher truth and deepening your self love. Focusing on these two core elements will dissolve the states of falsehood and

How you begin to focusing on higher truth and develop a deeper self love is to take some time to be present and ask yourself where you are feeling abandon, rejected and/or feel a lack of love in your life. This process within itself is a practice in self love.

Again, the greatest awareness that you can have is to realize that self rejection and self abandonment are states of falsehood and illusions. Once you anchor that awareness you will see a tremendous shift in your self confidence and worth.

                                            Affirm for yourself: 
Self Rejection & Self Abandonment Are Illusions Of Falsehood

Read Pt 1 Click Here

Monday, February 23, 2015

Love, Respect & Believe In Yourself

Love, respect and self belief are a trinity that goes hand and hand. All of those components are extremely vital as it relates to improving your relationship with yourself and valuing who you are.

Self love, self respect and belief in yourself are non negotiable when it comes to your overall well-being. Often, many sell themselves short because they have not developed a healthy respect or love relationship with themselves.

Many are so concerned with what others think, that they fail to trust and/or belief in themselves because they are too busy dealing with people strongholds. Again this is why self love, respect and self belief are the key  elements needed for accomplishing the life that you desire and for being who you were truly meant to be.

Most have allowed themselves to be plagued by the conditioning from society that has programmed most to give more of themselves than they have to give. This conditioning causes us to devalue ourselves and sell ourselves short.  We don't honor our true worth whenever we allow something or someone outside of us to dictate our value. This is your life so live it and accomplish what you desire. Never live your life according to others opinions of you. Stay focused on your bottom line for being holistically successful in every area of life.

Marcus Allen, says its best: "Love yourself, respect yourself. Never sell yourself short. Believe in yourself regardless of what other people think. You can accomplish anything, absolutely anything, if you set your mind to it."

This is why it's so important to stay focused on having the absolute best relationship with yourself beginning with the trinity of self love, respect and belief.  It is your responsibility to honor yourself by not allowing the contrast of life or others keep you from succeeding. 

Call To Action:

Take some time out over the next few days to evaluate the three areas of love, respect and belief to see if you are living from your authentic truth script or from someone else. 

Find creative ways to show yourself more love, respect and belief to trust that you are designing the lifestyle of your dreams starting with a healthy relationship with yourself.

Remember, it's Valentines 24/7, 365 so love yourself always!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Love Yourself & Avoid The Trap Of Self Rejection & Self Abandonment Syndrome PT 1

The subject of self love is talked about very often and several experts create products and programs for people to learn better ways develop a love relationship with themselves.

Often, most can not elevate, embrace or embodied more of the benefits of self love because they are so use to practicing self rejection. Not catering to ourselves enough consistently and/or loving ourselves can be very detrimental to our overall well being.  Henri Nouwen, quotes "The greatest trap in our life is not success, popularity or power, but self-rejection."

Self rejection is a huge trap that several fall into because we've lived most of our lives in a society that has promoted activities and lifestyle practices that conditions us to under value who we are by giving more of ourselves to others than we give to ourselves. In truth we can't really give to others what we don't first have for ourselves.

Self abandonment is another high form of self rejection. When we don't attend to the needs of our soul, we suffer internally and externally. Believe it or not several conscious entrepreneurs and transformational leaders practice self abandonment like an art form even though they are called to serve and help evolve others.

Both of these practices are traps that keep us hiding out from ourselves and not facing the things that we need to face in order to be true to ourselves to take our lifestyles and business to the next level. This is why it's so important to love yourself and avoid the trap of self rejection and/or the self abandonment syndrome.

The number one key to avoiding those imbalances is to begin embodying a lifestyle of loving actions just like we practice laws of hygiene. Loving yourself should be a lifestyle and not just a process of treating yourself nice every once in a while. We each need to develop a lifestyle of taking loving actions towards ourselves daily.

Again, this way of being should be embodied in our experience daily. Everyday should be like Valentines in some fashion. Take the first step towards loving yourself more by accepting yourself as you are, spending more quality soul care time and/or writing in a journal about what your new love relationship with yourself could look like at this time.

The second part of this series will talk more about self-acceptance and self appreciation.

Happy Valentines 24/7, 365

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine's Day All Year

Each year many globally celebrate Valentine's Day and share their expressions of love to their loved ones. We single out February 14th as our monumental love day to collectively honor the sacred energy of love.

Valentines should be expressed all year, starting with loving and honoring yourself first. Only when you love and honor yourself can you genuinely give it to others.

My Valentines gift to myself this year was to launch my Valentine's 24/7, 365 blog/education site to assist others (primarily entrepreneurs) with learning how to make a deeper commitment to loving themselves, along with creating a continuous vision of love for their lifestyles and also their business. I'm also using this platform as my own consistent accountability challenge to have love for myself daily as I evolve my endeavors.

This is also a sacred space for learning how to allow and receive more love into your life as well. Love is the highest Universal vibration and it is the very essence of God/Source. It is a commandment to love ourselves from Source's definition and perspective. When we first embrace the love from our creator, we will be able to authentically give to others from an overflow of true love that began with loving you first.

With Source/God, everyday is Valentines because it's all about living and leading from a lifestyle of holistic love on multiple levels. Let this Valentine's Day mark a new season of loving yourself.

Call To Action:

Create a dynamic love campaign for yourself by celebrating Valentine's daily for as little as a week to 30 days. Be creative in simple uncommon ways to love yourself more fully.

Every morning tell yourself Happy Valentine's Day or look in the mirror and say I love you to yourself.

Consider keeping an love accountability journal like Love Thy Self: Love Is You! (An Inspirational Journal Guide For Allowing More Love Into Your Life). 

Happy Valentine's Day All Year!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Love Yourself, Love Your Business

Often, business owners will put a lot of time and effort into making their businesses more successful; however, they neglect to put even a fraction of that type of attention on loving themselves. Though we might think that by spending long hours on our business to get us ahead will be beneficial in the long run; however, it could potentially be costing us even more in the present as well as in the future.

Yes, our businesses do need constant attention, but so so we. One way to know if you are truly doing what is in the best interest of your business is by looking at how you are taking care of and/or loving yourself. You can't love what you do in business more than you love yourself. A divine balance must be established in order to be most effective. You must first love yourself and then you can love what you do through your business even more.

As you love yourself more you will find that you will be more fulfilled holistically in your lifestyle and business endeavors. A regular self-love regiment should be a high-level part of your business model. Self-love and self-care are the most essential components of living a life of purpose.

It's very interesting to hear entrepreneurs talk about how passionate they are to serve others, yet won't even take the time out to love themselves. Again, how can you love your business and the people that you serve if you don't love yourself properly? I mentioned in another writing how people treat self-love by going on a vacation like it's something that you only do every once in a while.

It's time for next level entrepreneurs to find creative ways to love themselves and incorporate self-love into their business plan/model.

Call To Action:

Take some time out this week to inventory how well you are loving yourself and see if you're spending more time trying to enhance your business verse taking better care of yourself.

Consider investing in yourself by keeping a love accountability journal like Love Thy Self: Be & Give The Love You Wish To Receive: (An Inspirational Journal Guide For Loving Yourself First To Love Others More Effectively)  
Remember that everyday is Valentines so love yourself daily as you up-level your business agenda.

Have Love For Yourself & The Rest Will Follow

Self-love is one of the most talked about subjects, yet also one of the most neglected areas of many people's lives. Most, get so distracted by the business of life that they rarely take the time out to truly love themselves. Instead, they treat self-love like going on a vacation like it's something that you do everyone in a while.

It's important to practice self-love daily and having the love for your overall life in general. I like the slogan that the franchise Church's Chicken used, "Have the Love". This slogan needs to be one that is adopted for every person as it relates to loving themselves.

Having the love for yourself first, allows all of your other hearts desire to manifest. Often, people are confused about why certain things haven't materialized in their external experience. They fail to recognize that the key to having fulfillment is loving yourself holistically. Loving yourself opens the doors to having your soul's longings met with more than you could ever imagine. Again, this is why it's important to "Have the Love" for yourself so that you can have more than just your desires met, but also be able to give love to others from a truly authentic place.

Once we learn how to have the love for ourselves daily, we will begin to see greater external manifestations occur like magic. Everything we desire will flow into our experience when we choose not to settle and have the love for ourselves, our life and our calling. It all begins with allowing our inner worlds to be cultivated with positivity, love from Source/God and learning how to truly love and honor ourselves. So start the day by having the love for yourself in a more up-leveled way and watch how everything else follows and falls right into place better than you expected.

Call To Action:

This week sit down and write out all of the areas that you can have more love for yourself.

Get clear about what you desire and ask your inner wisdom to reveal to you how you can love on yourself to manifest your desire or something greater.

Don't forget to treat every day like it's Valentines!